Have a look at the Waterfront Revitalization Master Plan and let me know your thoughts and opinions.
Waterfront Revitalization Master Plan
Here's a link to the final Waterfront Revitalization Master Plan.
This is what I think about it.
Looks awesome on the linked interactive presentation. Of course these consultants are paid to paint a rosy picture. As someone that frequents the riverfront OFTEN with my camera, they stated somewhere in there the view of the sunset on the river is spectacular. Not so! From Matsqui side yes, but not the Mission side. But that really is just me, the photographer and noticing details...
The mix of infrastructure is great, but like the last 2 plans (or was it 3 before?) will this plan just get shelved and wind up being another waste of tax payers dollars? Kudos need to go to staff for all the work they put into it. However, it really boils down to whether the Council of the day follows through on it.
Some of my thoughts and issues that I see;
- Assembling all the individual properties.This could prove to be as easy as herding cats.
- I LOVE the green space and trail proposed along the river. But will this wind up being a perfect location for Homeless Camps? What about increased policing costs for this?
- Great idea for a Community hub for events, but what about parking? If you happen to be lucky enough to afford living down there, no problem, walk. But if you live way up on the hill?
- The current Jack Poole Plaza is underutilized and perhaps an easy / inexpensive way to kick things off there is turning that concrete area at the foot of Horne Street (Just East of Harbour building) into a Food Truck location? I often pickup takeout and sit down there at one of the picnic tables and enjoy the scene. Of course this would necessitate the removal of the current homeless camp there.
- And the biggest issue to me is; who's wallet are we using? We may have missed the boat already on a viable developer or two..
Now it seems like I am picking on the homeless, on the contrary, they HAVE to be somewhere! But where? Discussion on the Homeless situation is on another page.
And here is a small slide show of our current little Harbour. (May not show on mobiles)
~ Paul ~